A former Auckland drug runner who served as a minion in one of New Zealand’s largest ever syndicates has been sentenced to a shade under a decade in prison. Matt Goodwin, said his client had been seduced into the sprawling and sophisticated syndicate amid financial difficulties, cultural pressure and personal tragedy with the death of his grandfather, his “mainstay of support”. Read full article here.
“I would like to thank you Matt for everything over the last 3.5 years. It definitely was a long and hard process but I am very satisfied with his work. From the beginning my matter was full of emotions and lots of patience from Matt’s end and that showed for the duration of my case – it helped me know that I was in good hands and that he tried his best, right to the end. I do have some regrets from my end however, I accept my sentence and know that there was nothing else we could do so for that I am thankful. I wish Matt the best and hope to see him soon!”